Cherry Creek Walking Trail near our apartment |
Our trip home from Mexico was quite easy and uneventful. Our apartment here in Denver, though small, has all that we need.
It is almost a guilty pleasure to be enjoying our time here, when so many selfless medical workers, first responders and even our grocery stores clerks are risking their health, and, for some, even their lives, to help the many who are in need during this crisis.
Our last night in Mexico, we spent a delightful farewell to Mexico at the Camino Real Hotel at the Juarez Airport with our friends, Mart & Bob and Jennifer & Steve. All of us made our decision to leave rather quickly.
A roving Mariachi Duo really made the evening memorable for us all. They serenaded us with some favorite of our Mexican songs.
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Mart and Bob on our balcony |
The Larsons came on to Denver with us, as they no longer had a permanent residence, since selling their long time home in Alexandria.
It has been such a treat to have them with us during our transition back to the States and the onslaught of the Pandemic.
The cocktail hour--usually a gin & tonic, although at times we have substituted Margaritas or a Jameson on the Rocks--have often been the highlight of the day. With the unusually fine weather, we have been able to share drinks and conversation on our balcony. They have now moved to their own apartment in our building--just two floors directly below us, but we still share Happy Hour and visits.
Dinner time |
Taking turns to make the evening meal has also been a nice luxury.
Despite the Pandemic, getting food and other necessities has not been difficult--there are a number of grocery stores and pharmacies within walking distance. And if we buy too much--there is always Uber to get us & our booty home.
We have also found a great wine and liquor store, The Argonaut, which is happy to deliver.
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Sparrows on a bush beside Cherry Creek |
Our governor, Jared Polis, was among the first governors to issue a stay-at-home order which we have tried to follow as closely as we can, but a daily walk has come to be almost a necessity for us.
On a recent walk, we noticed a group of sparrows who hadn't gotten the social distancing memo--but that's fine with us.
They certainly made a lovely chorus.
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St. Cajetan Church |
Since so many people no longer are able to work or go to school, the streets and sidewalks are nearly empty and often eerily quiet.
Walking on the CU-Denver campus, just a couple of blocks away, has made for a nice change. Students, faculty & staff are gone, but it is nice to stroll thru the campus and admire some of its interesting landmarks.
St. Cajetan, a deconsecrated Catholic Church, is a lovely architectural gem on the campus. It was the first Hispanic diocese in Denver, but when they created the campus in the fifties--the congregation moved elsewhere.
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Golds Meir House |
Another campus landmark is the Golda Meir House. Born in Kiev, her family moved to Milwaukee when she was a child, but she spent her teenage years here in Denver and learned a lot about community development, politics, and human rights while she lived here.

The Coronavirus seems not to have phased Mother Nature. The daffodils and other early flowers are springing up and some are in full bloom.
Of course, in early April here in Denver, we almost certainly have a number of snow storms in our future. But we can still enjoy the sunshine and blue skies.
We hope that Spring is visiting you and bringing you much joy.
Today we got to see Bryn & Charlie for the first time in more than two months. We didn't hug and wore masks--but what a joy to be with them for a few precious moments.
Stay safe; stay healthy. Much love.
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The new way to take a family walk |