A Broncos fan in the making. |
We haven't been very diligent about posting these last few weeks. We are settled in here in Denver, enjoying our nice little bungalow. We thought we had found a place that we could return to regularly, but our landlady, who has decided that she is tired of Colorado winters and is heading to Florida, put the house up for sale last week and had several offers in just three or four days, so we have to find another place when we return next to Denver.
As the photos accompanying this blog attest, our favorite activity is being with Charlie and watching him grow and develop. A couple of times a week, we watch him on our own for three or four hours--and then need to take a day or two to recover. How can a 20 month old have so much energy and curiosity?
The big event in Charlie's life has been starting day care in September. Leave taking was the big issue--those transitions are tough!
The teachers tell us that he quickly adjusted and settled down--but you can imagine how it tugs at your heartstrings to close the door on a little crying boy--clinging to his "Clyde the Frog" stuffed animal.
It has been over a month, now, and he loves it--even gets excited when he knows he is going to "school".
Health wise it has been hard on all of us...in the first four weeks, Charlie has had three colds and a case of pink eye. Each of us--Mom, Dad, Oma & Opa, Nanna and Pops--have had one of more colds, but none of the adults fortunately contracted the pink eye.
Playing fireman at the Children's Museum |
Other activities with Charlie have included:
Walks through the neighborhood--each day there is something new to discover & enjoy. |
Playing with our digger in the backyard sandbox |
Playing with any iPhone or other electronic device that comes into our hands |
Using the digger toy at the neighborhood playground |
Visiting the Botanical Gardens with Opa & Oma |
Indulging Opa with his McDonald's addiction! |
Exploring with Greg & Shirley
Greg & Shirley Llafet |
Our time in Denver has also allowed us the opportunity to get to know our son-in-law's parents--Greg & Shirley Llafet, aka Charlie's Pops and Nanna.
Recent retirees like us, they moved this July from California back to Colorado. Besides sharing a mutual love and admiration of Charlie, we also have a lot of other interests in common, including travel and exploration, history and politics, and independent movies!
Facing the wind on Pike's Peak. |
Shirley and Greg, although they have been away for many years, are Colorado natives. They know the area really well and are always willing to act as tour guides, for which we are very grateful. Recently on a sunny Wednesday, we all drove to Colorado Springs to visit the Air Force Academy and Pike's Peak. Both were new to us and very interesting!
Our last stop was the
Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs--a Grand Hotel built in the early 20th century that still knows how to provide a truly unique experience. Sipping dirty martinis on the lakeside patio, listening to the evening piper and watching the sun set was a great way to end the day.
Family Wedding
At the wdding |
This month, we also took a short trip back east to visit with Larry's family in North Georgia. The occasion was the wedding of our nephew, Will Ryder to his beautiful fiancee and now wife--Sammi. We were delighted to be included in the celebration.
Larry with his Mom and siblings--Glenda, Dale & Sandy. |
The reception was out of doors under a tent pitched beside a small lake. What's so nice about weddings is that it brings families together for a happy occasion that includes visiting and catching up. The wedding was sweet and we really enjoyed our time with everyone.
Sammi & Will Ryder--the newlyweds.
In a couple weeks we are heading to Mexico with our friends, Mart and Bob Larson, for six weeks. We are looking forward
to showing them some of the beautiful places we visited when we stayed
with Erin last year. We will try to blog more frequently, so you can
travel along. We hope everyone will enjoy the coming holiday
season...and that all are enjoying this lovely autumn.