Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Is Here !!

Charlie trying to get Opa in the mood for Halloween.
 One marked change from our childhood is the incredible growth in the popularity of Halloween and the the desire to dress up--for all ages.  We recently read that Halloween is second only to Christmas in its  commercial impact.

Here in Denver, there seem to be all kinds of ways and places to get in the mood.  One of the most fun for us was going with Bryn and Charlie to a close by neighborhood shopping street, Tennyson, which was hosting a family dress up and candy give-a-way this past  Saturday.  (Reminded us of Mt. Vernon Ave. in

Charlie learning the concept of getting candy from strangers

Charlie didn't want to wear his dragon outfit, but thought Opa looked great in it.  He opted for staying in his jack-o-lantern themed jammies!

This creative fellow said it took two weeks to make this robot costume.

With bright blue skies and warm temperatures in the 60's it was a perfect day for a family outing.  We saw an incredible array of costumes for both children and adults--but what was so nice about it was that it was really all about the younger kids.  It was a real "treat" for us to walk the eight or so blocks admiring so many sweet little tots in all their varied get-ups.  The turn out was fantastic.

Coiffured Lioness

Some little girls still want to be princess
Everywhere you looked there were lots of smiles and laughter.  Don't recall seeing one child misbehaving, or for that matter one parent.
While others like to be Super Heroes like their brothers

Mom & Dad: I'll never forgive you for this!

Best costume & shtick by a merchant

The Scream & sad fairy

Charlie--enjoying a dumdum with Mom & friend, Shanna

Doesn't this little fellow look just like Harry Potter?

A great family day

Costumes for the entire Family, including Dad
Charlie was happy to share his loot with a friendly witch!

Hope your Halloween is fun!!!

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